The Master Guide is the foundation for youth ministry leadership, then builds on levels of continuing education that will help keep youth leaders sharp. The Master Guide (MG) curriculum is one of the leadership programmes used to train people for youth leadership. It is the “Ph.D.” of youth ministry in the field. You cannot earn your Master Guide without taking at least one Basic Staff Training (BST) course. The Master Guide is the expert, the advisor, the promoter for Adventurers and Pathfinders. As such, Master Guide is NOT a Pathfinder programme, it is a Youth Ministry Leadership Programme.
Dear Master Guide In-Training (MIT),
Thank you for visiting this information website.
Please note that the Master Guide Programme is at a transition phase of introducing a NEW Curriculum that has been authorised by the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Adventist Youth Ministries.
While this NEW curriculum is being introduced, current MITs are encouraged to complete their training using the current curriculum.
However, we encourage NEW MITs to adopt the NEW training curriculum as they advance.
We thank you for your interest in Youth Ministries and pray that you will be blessed as you train to be a youth leader for Jesus.

CURRENT: South Pacific Division - Master Guide Curriculum
Current Master Guide In-Training (MITs) are encouraged to continue in this programme until completed.

NEW Master Guide Curriculum
Newly-inducted Master Guide In-Training (MITs) are encouraged to adopt the NEW curriculum as the programme is transitioning into a new direction.